
Module Contents



Rewrite Import node from AST.


Walk the AST applying a set of rules.


version(→ str)

sanity_check(→ int)

Sanity check the E3 install.

main(→ None)

set_python_env(→ None)

Set environment for a Python distribution.

interpreter(→ str)

Return location of the Python interpreter.

python_script(→ list[str])

Return path to scripts contained in this Python distribution.

is_console(→ bool)

Check if stdin is a console or not.

relocate_python_distrib(→ None)

Adjust shebangs to freeze a Python distrib or make it relocatable.



exception sys.RewriteNodeError

Bases: Exception

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

class sys.RewriteImportRule(module: str, name: str = '.*', action: RuleAction | None = None)

Rewrite Import node from AST.

Skip or reject names imported by:

from <module> import <names>

or directly:

import <module>
class RuleAction(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Possible rule actions when rewriting an import rule.

reject = 0
skip = 1
rewrite_node(node: ast.stmt) ast.stmt

Rewrite a node.


node – ast node


a modified ast node

class sys.RewriteImportNodeTransformer(rules: list[RewriteImportRule])

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

Walk the AST applying a set of rules.

Currently only the RewriteImportRule are supported.

visit_ImportFrom(node: ast.stmt) ast.stmt
visit_Import(node: ast.stmt) ast.stmt
sys.version() str
sys.sanity_check() int

Sanity check the E3 install.

sys.main() None
sys.set_python_env(prefix: str) None

Set environment for a Python distribution.


prefix – root directory of the python distribution

sys.interpreter(prefix: str | None = None) str

Return location of the Python interpreter.

When there are both a python3 and python binary file return the path to the python3 binary.


prefix – root directory of the python distribution. if None location of the current interpreter is returned


python executable path

sys.python_script(name: str, prefix: str | None = None) list[str]

Return path to scripts contained in this Python distribution.

  • name – the script name

  • prefix – root directory of the Python distribution. if None the distribution currently used by this script will be used


a list that will be the prefix of your command line

sys.is_console() bool

Check if stdin is a console or not.


True if stdin is an interactive console

sys.relocate_python_distrib(python_distrib_dir: str | None = None, freeze: bool = False, platform: str | None = None) None

Adjust shebangs to freeze a Python distrib or make it relocatable.

  • python_distrib_dir – Python distrib prefix. If None the current Python is used.

  • freeze – if True use absolute paths in shebangs. If not use relative paths.

  • platform – if None use sys.platform. Otherwise should be a platform value as returned by sys.platform.