
Module Contents


format_with_dict(→ str)

Safely format a python string using % and a dictionary for values.

bytes_as_str(→ str)

Safely convert bytes to a python string.

text.format_with_dict(pattern: str, values: dict[str, str]) str

Safely format a python string using % and a dictionary for values.

This method is safer than using directly percent as it will escape automatically % in the pattern that cannot be replaced.

  • pattern – a string that should be formatted

  • values – a dictionary containing the values of the keys that can be replaced

text.bytes_as_str(content: bytes) str

Safely convert bytes to a python string.

This function attempts the conversion assuming a utf-8 enconding. If this triggers a conversion error, it then falls back to a safe representation, where some characters might be escaped.


content – content to be transformed


a string