
Module Contents



Root class for qualifiers declaration.


Root class for qualifiers declaration.


Tag qualifier declaration.


Root class for qualifiers declaration.


Parse the qualifiers and build an unique name.


check_valid_name(→ str)

Check if a value is a valid qualifier name or component name.



anod.qualifiers_manager.check_valid_name(name: str, value_kind: str, origin: str) str

Check if a value is a valid qualifier name or component name.

A valid name is any non empty string containg alphanumeric character, dot, dashes and underscores.

  • name – the name to check

  • value_kind – a name to describe the kind of value (used in error message)

  • origin – a string giving the origin of the check


name if name is valid otherwise raise AnodError

class anod.qualifiers_manager.QualifierDeclaration(origin: str, name: str, description: str, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_name: str | None = None)

Root class for qualifiers declaration.

property default: str | bool | frozenset[str] | None

Return default value for qualifier.


if None is returned it means the qualifier has not default Value. Otherwise the default value is returned.

abstract value(value: str) str | bool | frozenset[str]

Compute the value of qualifier given the use input.

abstract repr(value: str | bool | frozenset[str], hash_pool: list[str] | None) str

Compute a string representation of a qualifier.

  • value – the effective value associated with the qualifier

  • hash_pool – if not None and repr_in_hash is True, the represantion is added to that list. The list is used then to compute a hash and thus reduce the build space length.


the qualifier representation if self.repr_in_hash is False or hash_pool is None. if hash_pool is not None and self.repr_in_hash is True, the string representation is appended to hash_pool and the method returns the empty string.

class anod.qualifiers_manager.KeyValueDeclaration(origin: str, name: str, description: str, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_name: str | None = None, repr_omit_key: bool = False, default: str | None = None, choices: list[str] | None = None)

Bases: QualifierDeclaration

Root class for qualifiers declaration.

property default: str | bool | frozenset[str] | None

See QualifierDeclaration.default.

value(value: str) str | bool | frozenset[str]

See QualifierDeclaration.value.

repr(value: str | bool | frozenset[str], hash_pool: list[str] | None) str

See QualifierDeclaration.repr.

class anod.qualifiers_manager.TagDeclaration(origin: str, name: str, description: str, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_name: str | None = None)

Bases: QualifierDeclaration

Tag qualifier declaration.

property default: str | bool | frozenset[str] | None

See QualifierDeclaration.value.

value(value: str) str | bool | frozenset[str]

See QualifierDeclaration.value.

repr(value: str | bool | frozenset[str], hash_pool: list[str] | None) str

See QualifierDeclaration.repr.

class anod.qualifiers_manager.KeySetDeclaration(origin: str, name: str, description: str, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_name: str | None = None, repr_omit_key: bool = False, default: set[str] | None = None, choices: list[str] | None = None)

Bases: QualifierDeclaration

Root class for qualifiers declaration.

property default: str | bool | frozenset[str] | None

See QualifierDeclaration.default.

value(value: str) str | bool | frozenset[str]

See QualifierDeclaration.value.

repr(value: str | bool | frozenset[str], hash_pool: list[str] | None) str

See QualifierDeclaration.repr.

class anod.qualifiers_manager.QualifiersManager(anod_instance: e3.anod.spec.Anod)

Parse the qualifiers and build an unique name.

This class is used to manage the qualifiers, declare the components and generate the components and build_space names.

The qualifiers must all be declared using the declare_tag_qualifier or declare_key_value_qualifier method to be usable in the spec. The declaration is a way for the spec (i.e. the QualifiersManager) to know which are the authorized qualifiers and how to use them (default values…).

‘key_value’ qualifiers are qualifiers associated with a value. For example, ‘version’ is likely to have a value (the actual version number) and thus would be declared as a ‘key_value’ qualifier.

A ‘tag’ qualifier has no value. More precisely, its value is True when the qualifier is passed to spec and False otherwise.

The component must also be declared using the declare_component method. The ‘component’ is the name of the Cathod entry related to the spec (None if it has no entry). A component is bound to a particular configuration of qualifiers (set of pair qualifier/value). If the current qualifier configuration has been bound to a component then this name is used for both the build_space name and the component name. Otherwise, the component name is None (there is no component to be uploaded in Cathod)

This class is also used to generate the build_space name. The build_space name is computed using all the declared qualifiers and their values (at runtime). This allow the build_space names to be different for each different builds (assuming that different build <=> different set of qualifier values).

add_target_info(machine_aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None, os_version_aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None) None

Enable target os information in build space name computation.

Note that target information is added only if in a cross context.

  • machine_aliases – aliases for server name. Can be used to shorten build space name

  • os_version_aliases – aliases for OS versions. Can be used to shorten build space name

remove_target_info() None

Disable target os information in build space name computation.

declare_tag_qualifier(name: str, description: str, test_only: bool = False, repr_alias: str | None = None, repr_in_hash: bool = False) None

Declare a new tag qualifier.

Declare a tag qualifier to allow it use in the spec. It will have an impact on the build_space and component names.

A tag qualifier is a qualifier with an implicit value. Their value is True if the qualifier is passed at runtime and False else.

This method cannot be called after the end of the declaration phase.

  • name – The name of the qualifier. It used to identify it and pass it to the spec.

  • description – A description of the qualifier purposes. It is used to make the help/error clearer.

  • test_only – By default the qualifier are used by all anod actions (install, build, test…). If test_only is True, then this qualifier is only available for test.

  • repr_alias – An alias for the qualifier name used by the name generation. By default, the repr_alias is the qualifier name itself.

  • repr_in_hash – False by default. If True, the qualifier is included in the hash at the end of the generated name. The result is less readable but shorter.

declare_key_value_qualifier(name: str, description: str, test_only: bool = False, default: str | None = None, choices: list[str] | None = None, repr_alias: str | None = None, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_omit_key: bool = False) None

Declare a new key value qualifier.

Declare a key value qualifier to allow it use in the spec. It will have an impact on the build_space and component names.

A key value qualifier is a ‘standard’ qualifier. They require the user to provide their value.

This method cannot be called after the end of the declaration phase.

  • name – The name of the qualifier. It used to identify it and pass it to the spec.

  • description – A description of the qualifier purposes. It is used to make the help/error clearer.

  • test_only – By default the qualifier are used by all anod actions (install, build, test…). If test_only is True, then this qualifier is only available for test.

  • default – The default value given to the qualifier if no value was provided by the user. If no default value is set, then the user must provide a qualifier value at runtime.

  • choices – The list of all authorized values for the qualifier.

  • repr_alias – An alias for the qualifier name used by the name generation. By default, the repr_alias is the qualifier name itself.

  • repr_in_hash – False by default. If True, the qualifier is included in the hash at the end of the generated name. The result is less readable but shorter.

  • repr_omit_key – If True, then the name generation don’t display the qualifier name/alias. It only use its value.

declare_key_set_qualifier(name: str, description: str, test_only: bool = False, default: set[str] | None = None, choices: list[str] | None = None, repr_alias: str | None = None, repr_in_hash: bool = False, repr_omit_key: bool = False) None

Declare a new key set qualifier.

Declare a key set qualifier to allow it use in the spec. It will have an impact on the build_space and component names.

A key set qualifier is a ‘list’ qualifier. They require the user to provide their values as a semi-colon separated list.

This method cannot be called after the end of the declaration phase.

  • name – The name of the qualifier. It used to identify it and pass it to the spec.

  • description – A description of the qualifier purposes. It is used to make the help/error clearer.

  • test_only – By default the qualifier are used by all anod actions (install, build, test…). If test_only is True, then this qualifier is only available for test.

  • default – The default value given to the qualifier if no value was provided by the user. If no default value is set, then the user must provide a qualifier value at runtime.

  • choices – The list of all authorized values for the qualifier.

  • repr_alias – An alias for the qualifier name used by the name generation. By default, the repr_alias is the qualifier name itself.

  • repr_in_hash – False by default. If True, the qualifier is included in the hash at the end of the generated name. The result is less readable but shorter.

  • repr_omit_key – If True, then the name generation don’t display the qualifier name/alias. It only use its value.

declare_component(name: str, required_qualifier_configuration: dict[str, str]) None

Declare a new component.

A component is bound to a qualifier configuration (i.e. a dictionary mapping the qualifiers to their values as provided by the user at runtime). The provided component name is used if the qualifier meet the provided qualifier values.

This method cannot be called after the end of the declaration phase.

  • name – A string representing the component name.

  • required_qualifier_configuration – The dictionary of qualifiers value corresponding to the build linked to the component.

declare_build_space_name(name: str, required_qualifier_configuration: dict[str, str], has_component: bool = False) None

Declare a new component.

A component is bound to a qualifier configuration (i.e. a dictionary mapping the qualifiers to their values as provided by the user at runtime). The provided component name is used if the qualifier meet the provided qualifier values.

This method cannot be called after the end of the declaration phase.

  • name – A string representing the component name.

  • required_qualifier_configuration – The dictionary of qualifiers value corresponding to the build linked to the component.

compute_qualifier_values(qualifier_dict: dict[str, str]) dict[str, str | bool | frozenset[str]]

Given a user qualifier dict compute and validate final values.


qualifier_dict – User qualifiers


the computed qualifier values (applying default and validity checks).

serialize_qualifier_values(qualifier_values: dict[str, str | bool | frozenset[str]]) tuple[tuple[str, str | bool | frozenset[str]], Ellipsis]

Return a hashable and deterministic representation of qualifier values.


qualifier_values – qualifier values as returned by compute_qualifier_values


a tuple of couple (key, value) sorted by key

parse(user_qualifiers: dict[str, str]) None

Parse the provided qualifiers.

This function first makes sure that all the user_qualifiers follow the rules: * Have been declared. * Set a value if they don’t have a default one. * Have a value which respect the choices attribute.

After the first call to this method, it is no longer possible to declare new component nor qualifier. This ensure the consistency of the generated names.

After the call to parse, the qualifier_values are available using __getparsed_qualifiers.


user_qualifiers – a dictionary containing the passed qualifier values.

compute_build_space_name() None

Compute the final build_space_name.

Aggregate the build_space name. It is made of four parts: base + qualifier_suffix + hash + test

  • base: The component_prefix or, by default, the spec name.

  • qualifier_suffix: The concatenation of the contribution of

    all qualifiers.

  • hash: The hash of the aggregation of all qualifiers marked with


  • test: ‘-test’ if the current anod primitive is test.

If the generated component is not None, then use it for consistency reason.

__getitem__(key: str) str | bool | frozenset[str]

Return the parsed value of the requested qualifier.


The qualifier value after the parsing.