
Implementation of Direct Acyclic Graphs.

Module Contents




Represent a Directed Acyclic Graph.



exception collection.dag.DAGError(message: str | list[str], origin: str | None = None)

Bases: e3.error.E3Error

Exception raised by functions defined in E3.

class collection.dag.DAGIterator(dag: DAG, enable_busy_state: bool = False)
BUSY = 1
__iter__() DAGIterator
__next__() tuple[None, None] | tuple[VertexID, Any]

Retrieve next_element with with_predecessors=False.

The intermediate function is needed in Python 3.x

next_element() tuple[VertexID | None, Any, frozenset[VertexID]]

Retrieve next element in topological order.


a vertex id, data, predecessors. (None, None, frozenset()) is returned if no element is available).

leave(vertex_id: VertexID) None

Switch element from BUSY to VISITED state.


vertex_id – the vertex to leave

class collection.dag.DAG

Represent a Directed Acyclic Graph.

  • vertex_data (dict) – a dictionary containing all vertex data indexed by vertex id

  • tags – a dictionary containing “tags” associated with a vertex data, indexed by vertex id

property vertex_predecessors: dict[VertexID, frozenset[VertexID]]

Return predecessors.

Meant only for backward compatibility. Use vertex_predecessors_items.


a dictionary containing the list of predecessors for each vertex, indexed by vertex id

reset_caches() None

Reset caches for DAG properties (cycle and cached topological order).

This is a mandatory step when changing DAG edges.

vertex_predecessors_items()[tuple[VertexID, frozenset[VertexID]]]

Return predecessors.


a list of (vertex id, predecessors)

get_predecessors(vertex_id: VertexID) frozenset[VertexID]

Get set of predecessors for a given vertex.

set_predecessors(vertex_id: VertexID, predecessors: frozenset[VertexID]) None

Set predecessors for a given vertex.

Invalidate the global dictionary of vertex successors.

get_successors(vertex_id: VertexID) frozenset[VertexID]

Get set of successors for a given vertex.

If the global dictionary of vertex successors has not been computed or if it has been invalidated then recompute it.

add_tag(vertex_id: VertexID, data: Any) None

Tag a vertex.

  • vertex_id – ID of the vertex to tag

  • data – tag content

get_tag(vertex_id: VertexID) Any

Retrieve a tag associated with a vertex.


vertex_id – ID of the vertex


tag content

get_context(vertex_id: VertexID, max_distance: int | None = None, max_element: int | None = None, reverse_order: bool = False) list[tuple[int, VertexID, Any]]

Get tag context.

Returns the list of predecessors tags along with their vertex id and the distance between the given vertex and the tag. On each predecessors branch the first tag in returned. So for the following graph:

   / \
  B   C*
 / \   \
D   E*  F

where each node with a * are tagged

get_context(D) will return (2, A, <tag A>) get_context(E) will return (0, E, <tag E>) get_context(F) will return (1, C, <tag C>)

When using reverse_order=True, get_context will follow successors instead of predecessors.

get_context(B, reverse_order=True) will return (1, E, <tag E>)

  • vertex_id – ID of the vertex

  • max_distance – do not return resultsh having a distance higher than max_distance

  • max_element – return only up-to max_element elements

  • reverse_order – when True follow successors instead of predecessors


a list of tuple (distance:int, tagged vertex id, tag content)

add_vertex(vertex_id: VertexID, data: Any = None, predecessors:[VertexID] | None = None) None

Add a new vertex into the DAG.

Note that this function always checks that there is no cycle in the current DAG. If you prefer to insert all your node first and then do the check at the end use update_vertex calls followed by a call to check.

  • vertex_id – the name of the vertex

  • data – data for the vertex.

  • predecessors – list of predecessors (vertex ids) or None


DAGError if cycle is detected or else vertex already exist

update_vertex(vertex_id: VertexID, data: Any = None, predecessors:[VertexID] | set[VertexID] | frozenset[VertexID] | None = None, enable_checks: bool = True) None

Update a vertex into the DAG.

  • vertex_id – the name of the vertex

  • data – data for the vertex. If None and vertex already exist then data value is preserved

  • predecessors – list of predecessors (vertex ids) or None. If vertex already exists predecessors are added to the original predecessors

  • enable_checks – if False check that all predecessors exists and that no cycle is introduce is not perform (for performance)


DAGError if cycle is detected

shortest_path(source: VertexID, target: VertexID) list[VertexID] | None

Compute the shortest path between two vertices of the DAG.

  • source – vertex id of the source

  • target – vertex id of the target. If target is equal to source then the algorithm try to find the shortest cycle


a list of vertex. If there is no path between two nodes then return None

check() None

Check for cycles and inexisting nodes.


DAGError if the DAG is not valid

get_closure(vertex_id: VertexID) set[VertexID]

Retrieve closure of predecessors for a vertex.


vertex_id – the vertex to inspect


a set of vertex_id

reverse_graph(enable_checks: bool = True) DAG

Compute the reverse DAG.


enable_checks – whether to check that “self” is valid (no cycle)


the reverse DAG (edge inverted)

__iter__()[tuple[VertexID, Any]]
__contains__(vertex_id: VertexID) bool

Check if a vertex is present in the DAG.

__getitem__(vertex_id: VertexID) Any

Get data associated with a vertex.

__or__(other: DAG) DAG

Merge two dags.

as_dot() str

Return a Graphviz graph representation of the graph.


the dot source file

as_tree(name_key: str | None = None) str

Return a tree representation of the graph.

This is similar to the output of the tree bash command.


name_key – the data key-value to use as the name of the vertex; if None, the vertex ID is chosen as the name


a text tree

prune(fun:[[DAG, VertexID], bool], preserve_context: bool = True) DAG

Create a pruned graph.

  • fun – function that return True whenever a node should be pruned. The function receive as parameter the dag and the node id

  • preserve_context – if True ensure that context is preserved (i.e: that calls to get_context will return the same value for both current graph and pruned graph). This means that any attempt to remove a node containing a tag will result in a DAGError.


a new DAG

__len__() int
__str__() str

Return str(self).