
Low-level file manipulation.

All function here should be platform indepenent, should not involve globbing or logging (unless in case of unexpected failure).

Module Contents


cd(→ None)

Change current directory.

chmod(→ int)

Chmod with interface similar to Unix tool.


Disk space available on the filesystem containing the given path.


Provide a safe unlink function on windows.

force_remove_file(→ None)

Force file removing, changing permissions if first attempt failed.

max_path(→ int)

Return the maximum length for a path.

mv(→ None)

Move a file.

touch(→ None)

Update file access and modification times. Create the file if needed.

unixpath(→ str)

Convert path to Unix/Cygwin format.

which(→ Any)

Locate executable.



exception os.fs.OSFSError(message: str | list[str], origin: str | None = None)

Bases: e3.error.E3Error

Exception raised by functions defined in E3.

os.fs.cd(path: str) None

Change current directory.


path – directory name


OSFSError – in case of error

os.fs.chmod(mode: str, filename: str) int

Chmod with interface similar to Unix tool.

  • mode – should conform with posix specification for chmod utility (ex: +wx). See chmod man page for more information

  • filename – the target file


the mode that has been set

os.fs.df(path: str) int
os.fs.df(path: str, full: Literal[True]) tuple

Disk space available on the filesystem containing the given path.

  • path – a path

  • full – if True return full disk information otherwise only space left.


either space left in Mo or a py:meth:collections.namedtuple with total, used and free attributes. Each attribute is an int representing Mo.

Provide a safe unlink function on windows.

Note that all this is done to ensure that rm is working fine on Windows 7 and 2008R2. Indeed very often, deletion will fail with access denied error. The typical scenario is when you spawn an executable and try to delete it just afterward.

os.fs.force_remove_file(path: str) None

Force file removing, changing permissions if first attempt failed.


path – path of the file to remove

os.fs.max_path() int

Return the maximum length for a path.


the maximum length

os.fs.mv(source: str, target: str) None

Move a file.

  • target – file to move

  • source – target file or directory

os.fs.touch(filename: str) None

Update file access and modification times. Create the file if needed.


filename – file to update

os.fs.unixpath(path: str) str

Convert path to Unix/Cygwin format.


path – path string to convert


the converted path

On Unix systems this function is identity. On Win32 systems it removes drive letter information and replace \ by /.

os.fs.which(prog: str, paths: str | None = None, default: Any = '') Any

Locate executable.

  • prog – program to find

  • paths – if not None then we use this value instead of PATH to look for the executable.

  • default – default value to return if not found


absolute path to the program on success, found by searching for an executable in the directories listed in the environment variable PATH or default value if not found