
SLSA provenance package.



Describe how an artifact or set of artifacts was produced so that:

  • Consumers of the provenance can verify that the artifact was built according to expectations.

  • Others can rebuild the artifact, if desired.

This predicate is the RECOMMENDED way to satisfy the SLSA v1.0 provenance requirements.

Module Contents



Predicate run details builder object.


Build metadata representation.


SLSA statement object.


Resource descriptor object.


Predicate object.


Uniform Resource Identifier as specified in RFC 3986.


Uniform Resource Identifier as specified in RFC 3986.

class slsa.provenance.Builder(build_id: TypeURI | str, builder_dependencies: list[ResourceDescriptor], version: dict[str, str])

Bases: object

Predicate run details builder object.

The build platform, or builder for short, represents the transitive closure of all the entities that are, by necessity, trusted to faithfully run the build and record the provenance.

This includes not only the software but the hardware and people involved in running the service.

For example, a particular instance of Tekton could be a build platform, while Tekton itself is not. For more info, see Build model.

The id MUST reflect the trust base that consumers care about. How detailed to be is a judgement call. For example, GitHub Actions supports both GitHub-hosted runners and self-hosted runners. The GitHub-hosted runner might be a single identity because it’s all GitHub from the consumer’s perspective. Meanwhile, each self-hosted runner might have its own identity because not all runners are trusted by all consumers.

Consumers MUST accept only specific signer-builder pairs. For example, GitHub can sign provenance for the GitHub Actions builder, and Google can sign provenance for the Google Cloud Build builder, but GitHub cannot sign for the Google Cloud Build builder.

Design rationale

The builder is distinct from the signer in order to support the case where one signer generates attestations for more than one builder, as in the GitHub Actions example above. The field is REQUIRED, even if it is implicit from the signer, to aid readability and debugging.

It is an object to allow additional fields in the future, in case one URI is not sufficient.

property builder_dependencies: list[ResourceDescriptor]

Builder dependencies.

Dependencies used by the orchestrator that are not run within the workload and that do not affect the build, but might affect the provenance generation or security guarantees.

property id: TypeURI

Build platform ID.

URI indicating the transitive closure of the trusted build platform. This is intended to be the sole determiner of the SLSA Build level.

If a build platform has multiple modes of operations that have differing security attributes or SLSA Build levels, each mode MUST have a different id and SHOULD have a different signer identity. This is to minimize the risk that a less secure mode compromises a more secure one.

The id URI SHOULD resolve to documentation explaining:

  • The scope of what this ID represents.

  • The claimed SLSA Build level.

  • The accuracy and completeness guarantees of the fields in the provenance.

  • Any fields that are generated by the tenant-controlled build process and not verified by the trusted control plane, except for the subject.

  • The interpretation of any extension fields.

property version: dict[str, str]

Builder version mapping.

Map of names of components of the build platform to their version.

ATTR_BUILD_ID: str = 'id'
ATTR_BUILDER_DEPENDENCIES: str = 'builderDependencies'
ATTR_VERSION: str = 'version'
__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this builder object is equal to other.


other – The builder object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both builders are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this builder.


The dictionary representation of this builder. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also


as_json() str

Get the representation of this builder as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this builder (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) Builder

Initialize a builder from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this builder with.


A builder object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – if the build ID is not defined in initializer.

See also


classmethod load_json(initializer: str) Builder

Initialize a builder from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this builder with.


A builder object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – if the build ID is not defined in initializer.

class slsa.provenance.BuildMetadata(invocation_id: str, started_on: datetime.datetime, finished_on: datetime.datetime)

Bases: object

Build metadata representation.

When the timestamp parameters (started_on or finished_on) are strings, the TIMESTAMP_FORMAT format is used to convert them to datetime classes using strptime().

  • invocation_id – Identifier of this particular build invocation.

  • started_on – The timestamp of this build invocation start time.

  • finished_on – The timestamp of this build invocation finish time.

property finished_on: datetime.datetime

The timestamp of when the build completed.

property invocation_id: str

Build invocation identifier.

Identifies this particular build invocation, which can be useful for finding associated logs or other ad-hoc analysis. The exact meaning and format is defined by; by default it is treated as opaque and case-sensitive.

The value SHOULD be globally unique.

property started_on: datetime.datetime

The timestamp of when the build started.

ATTR_INVOCATION_ID: str = 'invocationId'
ATTR_STARTED_ON: str = 'startedOn'
ATTR_FINISHED_ON: str = 'finishedOn'
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT: str = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

Timestamp format used to read/write datetime structures to strings.

__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this build metadata object is equal to other.


other – The build metadata object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both build metadatas are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this build metadata.


The dictionary representation of this build metadata. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also

as_json(), json.load(), load_dict()

as_json() str

Get the representation of this build metadata as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this build metadata (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) BuildMetadata

Initialize a build metadata from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this build metadata with.


A build metadata object created from the input initializer.

  • ValueError – if the invocation ID is not defined in initializer, or if the timestamps are invalid.

  • TypeError – if the timestamps types are invalid.

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) BuildMetadata

Initialize a build metadata from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this build metadata with.


A build metadata object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – if the build ID is not defined in initializer.

static __validate_timestamp(timestamp: datetime.datetime) datetime.datetime

Validate a timestamp.

class slsa.provenance.Statement(statement_type: TypeURI | str, subject: list[ResourceDescriptor], predicate_type: TypeURI | str = PREDICATE_TYPE_VALUE, predicate: Predicate | None = None)

Bases: object

SLSA statement object.

The Statement is the middle layer of the attestation, binding it to a particular subject and unambiguously identifying the types of the Predicate.

  • statement_type – The URI identifier for the schema of the Statement.

  • subject – Set of software artifacts that the attestation applies to.

  • predicate_type – URI identifying the type of predicate.

  • predicate – Additional parameters of the Predicate.

property type: TypeURI

Identifier for the schema of the Statement.

Always for this version of the spec.

property predicate: Predicate | None

Additional parameters of the Predicate.

Unset is treated the same as set-but-empty. MAY be omitted if predicatType fully describes the predicate.

property predicate_type: TypeURI

URI identifying the type of the Predicate.

property subject: list[ResourceDescriptor]

Set of software artifacts that the attestation applies to.

Each element represents a single software artifact. Each element MUST have digest set.

The name field may be used as an identifier to distinguish this artifact from others within the subject. Similarly, other ResourceDescriptor fields may be used as required by the context. The semantics are up to the producer and consumer and they MAY use them when evaluating policy.

If the name is not meaningful, leave the field unset or use _. For example, a SLSA Provenance attestation might use the name to specify output filename, expecting the consumer to only consider entries with a particular name. Alternatively, a vulnerability scan attestation might leave name unset because the results apply regardless of what the artifact is named.

If set, name and uri SHOULD be unique within subject.


Subject artifacts are matched purely by digest, regardless of content type. If this matters to you, please comment on GitHub Issue #28

ATTR_PREDICATE: str = 'predicate'
ATTR_PREDICATE_TYPE: str = 'predicateType'
ATTR_SUBJECT: str = 'subject'
ATTR_TYPE: str = '_type'
__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this statement is equal to other.


other – The statement object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both statements are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this statement.


The dictionary representation of this statement. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also


as_json() str

Get the representation of this statement as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this statement (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) Statement

Initialize a statement from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this statement with.


A statement object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – if the statement type is not defined in initializer.

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) Statement

Initialize a statement from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this statement with.


A statement object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – if the statement type is not defined in initializer.

class slsa.provenance.ResourceDescriptor(uri: ResourceURI | str | None = None, digest: dict[str, str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, download_location: ResourceURI | str | None = None, media_type: str | None = None, content: bytes | None = None, resource_annotations: dict[str, Any] | None = None)

Bases: object

Resource descriptor object.

A size-efficient description of any software artifact or resource (mutable or immutable).

Though all fields are optional, a ResourceDescriptor MUST specify one of uri, digest or content at a minimum.

Further, a context that uses the ResourceDescriptor can require one or more fields. For example, a predicate MAY require the name and digest fields.



Those requirements cannot override the minimum requirement of one of uri, digest, or content specified here.

property annotations: dict[str, Any]

Resource descriptor additional information.

This field MAY be used to provide additional information or metadata about the resource or artifact that may be useful to the consumer when evaluating the attestation against a policy.

For maximum flexibility annotations may be any mapping from a field name to any JSON value (string, number, object, array, boolean or null).

The producer and consumer SHOULD agree on the semantics, and acceptable fields and values in the annotations map.

Producers SHOULD follow the same naming conventions for annotation fields as for extension fields.

property content: bytes | None

The contents of the resource or artifact.

This field is REQUIRED unless either uri or digest is set.

The producer MAY use this field in scenarios where including the contents of the resource/artifact directly in the attestation is deemed more efficient for consumers than providing a pointer to another location.

To maintain size efficiency, the size of content SHOULD be less than 1KB.

The semantics are up to the producer and consumer. The uri or media_type MAY be used by the producer as hints for how consumers should parse content.


TypeError – When setting this field to something else than a bytes or None.

property digest: dict[str, str]

A set of digests for this resource descriptor.

A set of cryptographic digests of the contents of the resource or artifact.

This field is REQUIRED unless either uri, or content is set.

When known, the producer SHOULD set this field to denote an immutable artifact or resource.

The producer and consumer SHOULD agree on acceptable algorithms.


TypeError – When setting this field to something else than a dict.

property download_location: ResourceURI | None

Artifact download location.

The location of the described resource or artifact, if different from the uri.

To enable automated downloads by consumers, the specified location SHOULD be resolvable.


TypeError – When setting this field to something else than a ResourceURI or None.

property is_valid: bool

Check if this resource descriptor is valid.

To be valid, a resource descriptor should define at least one of the following:


A bool set to True if at least one of the above-mentioned field is defined, False else.

property name: str | None

Machine-readable identifier for distinguishing between descriptors.

The semantics are up to the producer and consumer. The name name SHOULD be stable, such as a filename, to allow consumers to reliably use the name as part of their policy.

property media_type: str | None

This resource descriptor media type.

The MIME Type (i.e., media type) of the described resource or artifact.

For resources or artifacts that do not have a standardized MIME type, producers SHOULD follow RFC 6838 (Sections 3.2-3.4) conventions of prefixing types with x., prs., or vnd. to avoid collisions with other producers.

property uri: ResourceURI | None

A URI used to identify the resource or artifact globally.

This field is REQUIRED unless either digest or content is set.

ATTR_ANNOTATIONS: str = 'annotations'
ATTR_CONTENT: str = 'content'
ATTR_DIGEST: str = 'digest'
ATTR_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION: str = 'downloadLocation'
ATTR_MEDIA_TYPE: str = 'mediaType'
ATTR_NAME: str = 'name'
ATTR_URI: str = 'uri'
ATTRIBUTES: tuple = ()

JSON attributes returned by the as_dict() method (if the given attribute defines a value).

__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this resource descriptor is equal to other.


other – The resource descriptor object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both resource descriptors are equal, False else.

add_digest(algorithm: str, digest: str) None

Add a new digest to the digest set.

  • algorithm – The algorithm the new digest has been computed with.

  • digest – The new digest to add to the digest set.


KeyError – if algorithm already defines a digest in the current digest set.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this resource descriptor.


The dictionary representation of this resource descriptor. This should be a valid JSON object.


ValueError – If this resource descriptor is not valid (see is_valid).

as_json() str

Get the representation of this resource descriptor as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this resource descriptor (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

static dir_hash(path: pathlib.Path, algorithm: str) str

Directory hash.

The directory Hash1 function, omitting the h1: prefix and output in lowercase hexadecimal instead of base64.

This algorithm was designed for go modules but can be used to digest the contents of an arbitrary archive or file tree.

Equivalent to extracting the archive to an empty directory and running the following command in that directory:

find . -type f | cut -c3- | LC_ALL=C sort | xargs -r sha256sum \\
               | sha256sum | cut -f1 -d' '

For example, the module dirhash h1:Khu2En+0gcYPZ2kuIihfswbzxv/mIHXgzPZ018Oty48= would be encoded as {"dirHash1": "2a1bb6127fb481c60f67692e22285fb306f3c6ffe62075e0ccf674d7c3adcb8f"}.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) ResourceDescriptor

Initialize a resource descriptor from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this resource descriptor with.


A resource descriptor object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – If this resource descriptor is not valid once initialized with the dictionary content (see is_valid).

See also

as_dict(), is_valid

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) ResourceDescriptor

Initialize a resource descriptor from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this resource descriptor with.


A resource descriptor object created from the input initializer.


ValueError – If this resource descriptor is not valid once initialized with the dictionary content (see is_valid).

See also

load_dict(), is_valid

class slsa.provenance.Predicate(build_definition: Predicate, run_details: Predicate)

Bases: object

Predicate object.

class BuildDefinition(build_type: TypeURI | str, external_parameters: object, internal_parameters: object, resolved_dependencies: list[ResourceDescriptor])

Bases: object

The BuildDefinition describes all the inputs to the build.

It SHOULD contain all the information necessary and sufficient to initialize the build and begin execution.

The external_parameters and internal_parameters are the top-level inputs to the template, meaning inputs not derived from another input. Each is an arbitrary JSON object, though it is RECOMMENDED to keep the structure simple with string values to aid verification.

The same field name SHOULD NOT be used for both external_parameters and internal_parameters.

The parameters SHOULD only contain the actual values passed in through the interface to the build platform.

Metadata about those parameter values, particularly digests of artifacts referenced by those parameters, SHOULD instead go in resolved_dependencies.

The documentation for build_type SHOULD explain how to convert from a parameter to the dependency uri. For example:

"externalParameters": {
    "repository": "",
    "ref": "refs/heads/main"
"resolvedDependencies": [{
    "uri": "git+",
    "digest": {"gitCommit": "7fd1a60b01f91b314f59955a4e4d4e80d8edf11d"}


  • Maximize the amount of information that is implicit from the meaning of build_type. In particular, any value that is boilerplate and the same for every build SHOULD be implicit.

  • Reduce parameters by moving configuration to input artifacts whenever possible. For example, instead of passing in compiler flags via an external parameter that has to be verified separately, require the flags to live next to the source code or build configuration so that verifying the latter automatically verifies the compiler flags.

  • In some cases, additional external parameters might exist that do not impact the behavior of the build, such as a deadline or priority. These extra parameters SHOULD be excluded from the provenance after careful analysis that they indeed pose no security impact.

  • If possible, architect the build platform to use this definition as its sole top-level input, in order to guarantee that the information is sufficient to run the build.

  • When build configuration is evaluated client-side before being sent to the server, such as transforming version-controlled YAML into ephemeral JSON, some solution is needed to make verification practical. Consumers need a way to know what configuration is expected and the usual way to do that is to map it back to version control, but that is not possible if the server cannot verify the configuration’s origins. Possible solutions:

    • (RECOMMENDED) Rearchitect the build platform to read configuration directly from version control, recording the server-verified URI in external_parameters and the digest in resolved_dependencies.

    • Record the digest in the provenance and use a separate provenance attestation to link that digest back to version control. In this solution, the client-side evaluation is considered a separate build that SHOULD be independently secured using SLSA, though securing it can be difficult since it usually runs on an untrusted workstation.

  • The purpose of resolved_dependencies is to facilitate recursive analysis of the software supply chain. Where practical, it is valuable to record the URI and digest of artifacts that, if compromised, could impact the build. At SLSA Build L3, completeness is considered best effort.

property build_type: TypeURI | None

Predicate build type.

Identifies the template for how to perform the build and interpret the parameters and dependencies.

The URI SHOULD resolve to a human-readable specification that includes:

  • overall description of the build type

  • schema for externalParameters and internalParameters

  • unambiguous instructions for how to initiate the build given this BuildDefinition, and a complete example.

property external_parameters: object | None

The parameters that are under external control.

Such as those set by a user or tenant of the build platform. They MUST be complete at SLSA Build L3, meaning that there is no additional mechanism for an external party to influence the build. (At lower SLSA Build levels, the completeness MAY be best effort.)

The build platform SHOULD be designed to minimize the size and complexity of externalParameters, in order to reduce fragility and ease verification.

Consumers SHOULD have an expectation of what good looks like; the more information that they need to check, the harder that task becomes.

Verifiers SHOULD reject unrecognized or unexpected fields within externalParameters.

property internal_parameters: object | None

Internal parameters.

The parameters that are under the control of the entity represented by

The primary intention of this field is for debugging, incident response, and vulnerability management.

The values here MAY be necessary for reproducing the build.

There is no need to verify these parameters because the build platform is already trusted, and in many cases it is not practical to do so.

property resolved_dependencies: list[ResourceDescriptor]

Unordered collection of artifacts needed at build time.

Completeness is best effort, at least through SLSA Build L3.

For example, if the build script fetches and executes, which in turn fetches, then both and bar.tar.gz SHOULD be listed here.

ATTR_BUILD_TYPE: str = 'buildType'
ATTR_EXTERNAL_PARAMETERS: str = 'externalParameters'
ATTR_INTERNAL_PARAMETERS: str = 'internalParameters'
ATTR_RESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES: str = 'resolvedDependencies'
__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this build definition is equal to other.


other – The build definition object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both build definitions are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this build definition.


The dictionary representation of this build definition. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also

as_json(), json.load(), load_dict()

as_json() str

Get the representation of this build definition as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this build defintion (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) Predicate

Initialize a build definition from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this build definition with.


A build definition object created from the input initializer.

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) Predicate

Initialize a build definition from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this build definition with.


A build definition object created from the input initializer.

class RunDetails(builder: Builder, metadata: BuildMetadata, by_products: list[ResourceDescriptor])

Bases: object

Details specific to this particular execution of the build.

  • builder – Run details builder description.

  • metadata – The metadata for this run details object.

  • by_products – Run details additional artifacts.

property builder: Builder

Run details builder.

Identifies the build platform that executed the invocation, which is trusted to have correctly performed the operation and populated this provenance.

property by_products: list[ResourceDescriptor]

Run details additional artifacts.

Additional artifacts generated during the build that are not considered the output of the build but that might be needed during debugging or incident response.

For example, this might reference logs generated during the build and/or a digest of the fully evaluated build configuration.

In most cases, this SHOULD NOT contain all intermediate files generated during the build.

Instead, this SHOULD only contain files that are likely to be useful later and that cannot be easily reproduced.

property metadata: BuildMetadata

Run details build metadata.

Metadata about this particular execution of the build.

ATTR_BUILDER: str = 'builder'
ATTR_METADATA: str = 'metadata'
ATTR_BY_PRODUCTS: str = 'byproducts'
__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this run details object is equal to other.


other – The run details object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both run details are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this run details.


The dictionary representation of this run details. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also

as_json(), json.load(), load_dict()

as_json() str

Get the representation of this run details as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this run details (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) Predicate

Initialize a run details from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this run details with.


A run details object created from the input initializer.

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) Predicate

Initialize a run details from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this run details with.


A run details object created from the input initializer.

property build_definition: Predicate

The input to the build.

The accuracy and completeness are implied by

property run_details: Predicate

Details specific to this particular execution of the build.

ATTR_BUILD_DEFINITION: str = 'buildDefinition'
ATTR_RUN_DETAILS: str = 'runDetails'
__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this predicate is equal to other.


other – The predicate object to compare this with.


A bool set to True if both predicates are equal, False else.

as_dict() dict

Get the dictionary representation of this predicate.


The dictionary representation of this statement. This should be a valid JSON object (call to json.load() succeeds).

See also

as_json(), json.load(), load_dict()

as_json() str

Get the representation of this predicate as a JSON string.

The dictionary representing this predicate (as returned by as_dict()) is turned into a JSON string using json.dumps() with sort_keys set to True.

classmethod load_dict(initializer: dict[str, Any]) Predicate

Initialize a predicate from a dictionary.


initializer – The dictionary to initialize this predicat with.


A predicate object created from the input initializer.

classmethod load_json(initializer: str) Predicate

Initialize a predicate from a JSON string.


initializer – The JSON string to initialize this predicate with.


A predictae object created from the input initializer.

class slsa.provenance.TypeURI(uri: str)

Bases: object

Uniform Resource Identifier as specified in RFC 3986.

Used as a collision-resistant type identifier.


A TypeURI is represented as a case-sensitive string and MUST be case normalized as per section of RFC 3986, meaning that the scheme and authority MUST be in lowercase.

SHOULD resolve to a human-readable description, but MAY be unresolvable. SHOULD include a version number to allow for revisions.

TypeURIs are not registered. The natural namespacing of URIs is sufficient to prevent collisions.

property uri: str

Actual URI of this TypeURI.


The actual URI of this TypeURI.

__eq__(other: object) bool

Check if this type uri is equal to other.

__str__() str

Return the string representation of this TypeURI.

class slsa.provenance.ResourceURI(uri: str)

Bases: TypeURI

Uniform Resource Identifier as specified in RFC 3986.

Used to identify and locate any resource, service, or software artifact.


A ResourceURI is represented as a case-sensitive string and MUST be case normalized as per section of RFC 3986, meaning that the scheme and authority MUST be in lowercase.

SHOULD resolve to the artifact, but MAY be unresolvable.

It is RECOMMENDED to use Package URL (pkg:) or SPDX Download Location (e.g. git+https:).

