
Module Contents



Plan Entry point.


Machine entry point.


entry_point(→ collections.abc.Callable)

Entry point decorator.

class electrolyt.entry_point.EntryPoint(db: dict[str, EntryPoint], fun: collections.abc.Callable[[], None], kind: str, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None)

Plan Entry point.

The class represent a valid entry point in an electrolyt plan. It’s used also to annotate a given entry point with some additional metadata.

execute() None

Execute an entry point.

class electrolyt.entry_point.Machine(db: dict[str, EntryPoint], fun: collections.abc.Callable[[], None], kind: str, platform: str, version: str, site: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, secure_control_plane: bool = False)

Bases: EntryPoint

Machine entry point.

The class is used to declare an entry point which will be the default function executed on a given server. It also add some information such as the platform and the OS version in order to be able to simulate a plan execution.

electrolyt.entry_point.entry_point(db: dict[str, EntryPoint], cls: collections.abc.Callable[Ellipsis, EntryPoint], kind: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) collections.abc.Callable

Entry point decorator.

Declare an electrolyt entry point (e.g. a machine name, a mailserver preset).

This returns the function with the following new attributes: kind, name, description, is_entry_point=True, and executed. Executed is a boolean set to False by default and changed to True when the entry point has been executed.

  • db – dictionary where to register the entry point

  • cls – class of entry point

  • kind – entry point kind (machine name, mailserver preset, …)

  • args – additional information to store with the entry point

  • kwargs – additional information to store with the entry point