
Module Contents



Electrolyt Plan.


Store the action environment.


Context in which a Plan is executed.

exception electrolyt.plan.PlanError(message: str | list[str], origin: str | None = None)

Bases: e3.error.E3Error

Error when parsing or executing the plan.

class electrolyt.plan.Plan(data: dict[str, Any], entry_point_cls: dict[str, collections.abc.Callable[Ellipsis, e3.electrolyt.entry_point.EntryPoint]] | None = None, plan_ext: str = '.plan')

Electrolyt Plan.


entry_points (dict) – list of entry points found in the plans

cond(name: str, date: collections.abc.Callable[[datetime.datetime], bool]) e3.collection.toggleable_bool.ToggleableBoolean

Generate a new conditional boolean.

  • name – variable name

  • date – function that takes the plan date and return a boolean. This can be used to set a value depending on the day of the week, e.g. by setting the constant to True on weekend: lambda d: d.isoweekday() in [6, 7]

load(filename: str) None

Load python code from file.


filename – path to the python code

check(code_ast: ast.AST) None

Check plan coding style.

load_chunk(source_code: bytes, filename: str = '<unknown>') None

Load a chunk of Python code.

  • source_code – python source code

  • filename – filename associated with the Python code

class electrolyt.plan.PlanActionEnv(build: e3.platform.Platform | None = None, host: e3.platform.Platform | None = None, target: e3.platform.Platform | None = None)

Bases: e3.env.BaseEnv

Store the action environment.

This includes the build/host/target as well as additional parameters coming from the plan.

action: str
plan_line: str
plan_args: dict[str, Any]
plan_call_args: dict[str, Any]
push_to_store: bool
default_build: bool
module: str | None
source_packages: list[str] | None
class electrolyt.plan.PlanContext(stack: list[PlanActionEnv] | None = None, plan: Plan | None = None, ignore_disabled: bool = True, server: e3.env.BaseEnv | None = None, build: str | None = None, host: str | None = None, target: str | None = None, enabled: bool = True, default_push_to_store: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)

Context in which a Plan is executed.

property env: PlanActionEnv

Get environment for current scope.


the current scope environment

property default_env: e3.env.BaseEnv

Get initial environment.


the environment set during creation of the initial context

register_action(name: str, fun: collections.abc.Callable) None

Register a function that correspond to an action.

  • name – name used in the plans

  • fun – python function. The function itself does not require an implementation. Only signature is is used

execute(plan: Plan, entry_point_name: str, verify: bool = False) list[PlanActionEnv]

Execute a plan.

  • plan – the plan to execute

  • entry_point_name – entry point to call in the plan. It can be either a function name in the plan or an entry_point function

  • verify – verify whether the entry point name is a electrolyt entry point




a list of plan actions

_add_action(name: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Process action calls in plans.

  • name – action name

  • args – positional arguments of the action call

  • kwargs – keyword arguments of the action call

__enter__() None
__exit__(_type: type[BaseException] | None, _value: BaseException | None, _tb: types.TracebackType | None) None